Membership Our membership year runs from October to July at a subscription rate of £55 per person payable by July 31st. We feel that this represents good value at just £5.50 per lecture. It is possible to take out a half-year subscription from March to July at a cost of £30. There are no meetings in August and September. For further information contact: The Membership Secretary, Hilary Horsley at: Visitors are welcome – please contact Hilary Horsley for details at: Download the Membership Application Form and follow the instructions on the form. (Please complete all sections on both pages clearly) Meetings are held at Grange Hall, Vicarage Lane, Radcliffe on Trent, Nottingham NG12 2FB. Click here for a map of how to find the venue Doors will open at 10.15am when free tea/coffee and biscuits are available. The meeting is called to order at 10.50am for the chairman’s welcome and notices followed by the lecture from 11am-12noon.
Web site designed, created and maintained by Janet Groome, Handshake Computer Training.